Those tokens we collect – the shells, the scraps of paper, bottle tops, photos and feathers are the stuff of memory and affirmation. We carry them with us from beach to pocket, from house to house, to support our everyday life. They give our homes texture and meaning. And they bring a certain magic – they prompt us to recollect good times and invite the power of those moments into the present.
Last summer, we found old printer's trays for our treasures. They’re tricky to dust but it’s lovely to take each tiny object out to clean it and take pleasure and strength from its totemic qualities.
I used to pin postcards, quotations and pictures I’d torn from magazines to a bit of chip board. I wonder if I can find a snap shot of it for you. I know there were re-occurring images of umbillifers, spirals, fire, graffiti, dancers, weather-boarded houses, ferns, flowers and the sea.
What images are you drawn to that speak to you about the way you want to live?
Do email your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you.
Lou x